www.womensmarch.com/100 Official link for the 10 Actions for 100 Days
5Calls.org --information on calls to make to legislators, including script to go with it.
Indivisible Guide --a practical guide for resistance
Resistance Manual --guide created by folks in the Black Lives Matter movement
Washington Legislators:
US Senators:
Patty Murray http://www.murray. senate.gov/public/ click on Contact Me
Maria Cantwell https://www.cantwell. senate.gov/ click on Contact
US Representative:
7th District (Burien/Normandy Park)
Pramilla Jayapal: https://jayapal. house.gov/ Click on Contact
9th District (Des Moines/SeaTac)
Adam Smith: https://adamsmith. house.gov/ Click on Contact
State Legislators:
District 34 (Burien)
Senator Sharon Nelson http://sdc.wastateleg. org/nelson/
Representative Eileen Cody http://housedemocrats.wa. gov/legislators/Eileen-Cody/
Representative Joe Fitzgibbon http:// housedemocrats.wa.gov/ legislators/Joe-Fitzgibbon/
District 33 (Normandy Park/SeaTac/Des Moines)
Senator Karen Keiser http://sdc.wastateleg. org/Keiser/
Representative Tina Orwall http://housedemocrats. wa.gov/legislators/Tina- Orwall/
Representative Mia Gregerson http:// housedemocrats.wa.gov/ legislators/Mia-Gregerson/
US Senators (ALL): https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
US Representatives (ALL): http://www.house.gov/representatives/
How black parents explain to their children how to interact with police.
Shared by Theresa from Anti-Racism group
Hi. How does one become part of this group? Is if affiliated with a church or is it freestanding? I live in Burien and have been looking for a local action group.
We are not affiliated with a church, we have been meeting at different churches because they have space. We are simply a neighborhood group responding to the 10 Actions for the first 100 days as inspired by the Women's March. If you'd like to be added to the email list, send an email to revmwm@gmail.com