Wednesday, February 1, 2017

ACTION ALERT: Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

There are several issues with Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch:

From the Huffington Post What You Need To Know About Neil Gorsuch :

Neil Gorsuch Fact Sheet (including information about cases in which he ruled against students with disabilities)

From Seattle Indivisible:

Our Senators have already expressed "serious concerns," and Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley has already said that he will lead a filibuster of any Trump nominee to the Supreme Court. We just need to make sure that our Senators stand with Merkley.


1. Call Senator Murray - 202-224-2621 (Backup: 206-553-5545)
2. Call Senator Cantwell - 202-224-3441 (Backup: 206-220-6400)

Use the sample script provided below, or come up with your own message.

Sample Reasons

1. Come up with your own. Personal experiences and reasons are crucial.
2. I am afraid of Roe v. Wade being overturned.
3. I am afraid of LGBTQ rights being eroded.
4. This seat was stolen from President Obama.
5. We cannot have another series of decisions like Citizens United.

Sample Script

Hi, my name is {NAME}, calling from {CITY, ZIP CODE}. I am calling to ask the Senator to fillibuster President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, because {YOUR REASON HERE}. Senator Merkley has vowed to fillibuster Judge Gorsuch, and I am asking that the Senator stands with Senator Merkley and fillibuster Judge Gorsuch. Can you tell me if she will fillibuster Trump's Supreme Court nominee?

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